Rumah> Blog> What is the point of using an absolute value encoder?

What is the point of using an absolute value encoder?

June 12, 2022
We know that rotary encoders are divided into incremental and absolute value types. Generally, absolute value encoders are much more expensive than incremental ones; and absolute value encoders are divided into single-turn and multi-turn types. Among them, the multi-turn type is also a lot more expensive than the single-turn type.
So what's the point of using an absolute encoder, especially choosing a multi-turn absolute encoder?
Let's briefly review some basic concepts about these encoders.
The main differences between incremental and absolute encoders are:
◆Incremental encoder outputs a set of pulse codes alternately after each rotation passes through a fixed angular interval when the mechanical shaft rotates;
◆The absolute value encoder is always based on the current angle of the mechanical axis, and continuously outputs its rotational position code.
The difference between single-turn and multi-turn absolute encoders is only in the output range of the angular position encoding. The range of the former is only one turn, while the latter can measure the rotational position of multiple turns.

However, this does not mean that absolute encoders must be used in position measurement applications, nor that multi-turn absolute encoders must be used for long-distance position detection.

Kontal AS


Mr. Robort



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